Office Hours: Mon - Fri : 8.00 am - 4.00 pm, Sunday Closed




Personal Appearence

1. Students are expected to turn out in neat and clean uniform, neatly combed hair, and polished shoes. Girl must come in simple braids (two). Simple pony-tail or any other style is not allowed.
2. Girl students are not allowed to use cosmetics such as mehendi, nail polish, lipstick, heavy jewellery or any other accessories.
3. Failure to comply with any of the above can result in warning and subsequent disciplinary action.


1. Overall good manners, humanity and cheerful disposition towards all senior members of the school is expected of every student within school and outside.
2. Any kind of vulgarity both in speech, gestures or possession of undesireable pictures, books or violent and abusize behaviour will attract immediate disciplinary action.
3. Any kind of adverse behaviour, speech in public places, transport or any other place by student which can bring disrepute to the school will be treated as a breach of the school code of conduct and strict disciplinary action will be taken.
4. Students should not write or scratch on the walls or on school furniture. Damage to any part of the school property, equipments and accessories will be dealt with seriously and the student will be required to compensate for the damage.
5. Students should walk in perfect silence and in a straight line while going for classes and for activity periods.
6. Any adverse behaviour in and outside of the school premises will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Their names will be struck off from school records if the management finds student indulging in behaviour that puts the repurtation of the school at stake.
7. Students are strictly prohibited from bringing and/or using mobile phones and other electronic gadgets in the school premises.

Leave and Absence

1. Students should reach the school 10 minutes before the bell rings. Late comers will be marked PL (Present but Late). For three consecutive PLs, strict action will be taken.
2. Attendance at daily prayer is a must.
3. Attendance on the opening and the closing day of the school term is compulsory. It students do not attend classes within three days of the school's re-opening, they are liable to face disciplinary action.
4. Leave will be granted only in genuine case and/or when, he/she is suffering from severe illness, they will have to submit the health certificate of a registered medical practitioner.
5. School Leaving Certificate will be issued to the students who often remain absent but if he/she remains absent due to his/her illness for more than three days, the Principal/Vice-Principal must be informed in a written application.
6. A student must take permission for
  (a) leaving the class from the class/subject teacher.
  (b) leaving the school from the Principal/Vice-Principal.
7. When the student rejoins the school, he will have to submit a leave note signed by the parents otherwise he/she will be sent back home and in such cases the school authorities will not be responsible for his/her security.
8. Once the student enters the school campus, he/she will not be granted a leave except in genuine cases.
9. 75% attendance is compulsory at the end of the academic year.

Learning Skills

1. Students are required to attend classes religiously, as per the scheduled time table.
2. They must be attentive in the class and study with diligence.
3. Students must learn with active participation the subjects taught to them in the class. They should do the homework given to them without the help of any outsider.
4. All the Unit tests and Periodic examinations are compulsory excep under unavoidable circusmstances.
5. Participation in co-curricular activities, games and sports is compulsory.
6. The students, as per their ability, are expected to participate in the educational as well as co-curricular activities held outside the school campus.

Affiliated to

West Bengal Board Of Secondary Education (WBBSE), Index No.: F1-290

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE), H.S. Code: 106360

UDISE: 19161501917

Get In Touch

47/2, Noor Md. Munshi Lane,
Howrah-711101, West Bengal

School Campus

234, Belilious Rd, Kadam Tala,
Howrah-711101, West Bengal


+918276088296 | +919830816786 | +919836777600

© Samaritan Mission School (High). All Rights Reserved.